New Stripchat private show price of 12 tokens per minute

New Stripchat private show price of 12 tokens per minute

You can now set a new price of 12 tokens per minute for private shows on Stripchat to encourage users even more.

The Stripchat platform has added a new price for private shows of 12 tokens per minute to the following shows:

  • Normal private
  • Exclusive privates
  • Virtual Reality (VR) private

This does not mean that the lower price of 8 tokens has been eliminated, but that another alternative has been added in case you do not want to set up your private show so cheaply. So now you have a wide variety of prices to set for your private shows:

  • Don’t do
  • 8 tokens
  • 12 tokens
  • 16 tokens
  • 24 tokens
  • 32 tokens
  • 44 tokens
  • 60 tokens
  • 90 tokens
  • 120 tokens
  • 150 tokens
  • 200 tokens
  • 250 tokens (Only for exclusive private shows)

Of course, the cheaper the private show is, the more users will be encouraged to ask you for this type of show. Also remember that you can charge an extra fee if the user wants a special show, or invite them to an exclusive show with a higher cost that includes the show they want.

What do you think of the new price in Stripchat? Would you dare to apply it in your shows?

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